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Anatomy & Physiology


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Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology at Clearbrook-Gonvick High School!  I am looking forward to the adventures and challenges of the upcoming year more than the students.  In my classroom, I promote mutual respect between the students and myself.  I also expect the student to make responsible choices when it comes to their actions and decisions.  They will be held accountable for their behaviors. Most importantly, I want to create a fun and positive learning environment in which the students have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of science.


Textbook:  Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 2007

Course Goals & Objectives: Human Anatomy and Physiology covers the structure and function of the human body.  The course begins with an introduction to the human body and the key chemistry concepts needed to understand its processes.  Each of the eleven systems is covered in detail.  One major dissection (cat) is done during the year to familiarize students with the external and internal structures of mammals.  This course is designed to contain the rigor required to make the student successful at a collegiate level, especially in the areas of science, health, and medicine.


Students will

  • be able to describe how the human body is studied including the use of specific terminology.

  • be able to identify the levels of study in this field and demonstrate knowledge of how they relate to each other.

  • understand the functions and structures of each organ system and how that  function relates to the functions other systems and the body as a whole.

  • develop the skills of scientific inquiry while learning concepts in the classroom, lab, and field.

  • understand how biological and social concepts related to the content impact their everyday lives.


Course Content Outline

  • Unit 1:  Levels of Organization

  • Unit 2:  Support and Movement

  • Unit 3:  Integration and Coordination

  • Unit 4:  Transport

  • Unit 5: Absorption and Excretion

  • Unit 6: The Human Life Cycle                


** Grades are weighted

Tests/Quizzes                                                                    30%

  • Quizzes: There will be frequent quizzes. They typically consist of 10-20 short answer and/or identification questions.

  • Tests: Tests consist of a variety of short answer, identification, and essay questions. Tests are given after each chapter or unit.

  • Practical Exams: Practicals involve identifying marked structures on preserved specimens, bone models, photomicrographs, etc. Practicals will also be held on Mondays and Thursdays. (Approximately 80 summative points per practical)



Labs/Projects                                                                    40%

  • Labs: Laboratory experiences (including the dissection of a preserved cat and other mammalian organs) are a major focus of this course. All students will be expected to participate fully in these activities.

  • Projects:  Throughout the year, students will complete several projects both individual and collaboratively. Some projects will be completed during the class and some will be completed entirely at home.

Homework/Disease Diary/News articles              20%

  • Review exercises: These will typically consist of packets containing exercises that reinforce concepts covered in the readings and lectures.

  • Anatomy coloring book: Students will color plates that illustrate orientation, size, shape, etc. of various structures of the human body, both gross and microscopic. Many of the identification questions on quizzes and tests will come directly from the coloring book.

  • Disease Diary: Students will research one disease related to particular chapter being studied.  Disease diaries will electronic, and on-going  and submitted to the teacher at the end of the chapter.   Each submission should contain a graphic of some aspect of the disease, as well as,  an outline description of the specific characteristics, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for the disease. All sources should be cited in the correct format for print and internet. Please include the reference for any graphics you include. If you find a particularly useful source site, please indicate this so it can be added to the reference sites list.

  • Anatomy in the News: Each student will be required to  find a newspaper, magazine, or internet article on some aspect of ANATOMY. Write a two paragraph summary of the news article that includes the following information: Who, What, Where, When, Why it is related to ANATOMY and present their summary to the class.  Anatomy in the News reviews should  be typed (12 Font Times New Roman) and cited: Title of Article, author, date, and URL or Title of Article, author, date, and newspaper or magazine.  

Participation (attendance and class behavior)            10%

Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a ZERO on any test, quiz, lab, or homework assignment for both parties involved (THIS INCLUDES COPYING SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK AND PLAGIARISM.)



A  = 100-94            B+ = 89-88          C+ = 79-78    D+ = 69-68       F = 59 and below

A- = 93- 90            B   = 87-84           C   = 77-74     D  = 67-64      

                           B-  = 83-80          C-  = 73-70    D- = 63-60



In the unfortunate event that you are absent and unable to grace us with your presence, you will be able to make up all the work that you missed.  However YOU must make the effort to get your missed assignments.  I will not remember to approach every absent student – please ask for your own missed work when you return.  If you are absent on the day of the lab, you must make arrangements to come in BEFORE or AFTER school or in study halll to make up the missed lab.  You have ONE WEEK to do so or you will receive no credit for that particular lab.                       

  • Clearbrook-Gonvick School’s attendance and tardy policies will be strictly enforced – consult your student handbook. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed work. Laboratory work will be made up upon a mutual time agreement with the teacher.



  • You will be expected to participate in all labs and class activities. 

  • Participate in class discussions.

  • Be respectful of yourself, your peers, adults and all property belonging to the school or classmates.

  • Be patient with others.

  • Use class time wisely. No sleeping or meaningless talk during class.

  • Watch all class videos.