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"Hamilton" comes to Minnesota


The hit musical "Hamilton" opens today, August 29 in Minneapolis.  This musical swept the 2016 Tony Awards and earned a Pulitzer Prize. Tickets will go quickly!  If you like hip-hop, rap, and American History, this is the show for YOU!!  



If you like intense, driving music with non-stop energy, then the new "Mission Impossible 6" is the movie for you!! Yes, it's loud but I actually "felt" the music in my seat as I watched Tom Cruise doing many of his "impossible" stunts.  


Opera comes to Subway!

Check out the new commercial for Subway sandwiches.  The music comes from the opera, "The Barber of Seville" by Rossini (The guy who also gave us the Lone Ranger's theme song, aka "The William Tell Overture")  Whoever would have thought that opera would make you want to eat a sandwich!! Check out the commercial (and the sandwich!)

Flash Mob: The Italian Way

Check out this link to a performance by Italians who are overcoming the challenges of quarantine and shelter-in-place.  Just goes to show you that when "the going gets tough, the tough (and the tender!) turn to music......." Here's the link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBByYjjvNzs