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What is DAILY 5 and CAFE? (*required)

Parent and Student Activity

September 21, 2015


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Click on the link below to read the parent letter.  Students, please read this letter to your parents, (READ TO SOMEONE), and also tell them your CAFE goal.  Parents, you may respond to this blog, or write on the back of the hard copy that your child brings home.  I look forward to reading your responses or questions that you may have.  :-)

Thank you.

Mrs. Bagaason


Parent Letter

What is DAILY 5 and CAFE? (*required)


Sep 21, 2015

Daily 5 and C.A.F.E. are educational ways of learning how to know how to read,write, listen to other people read, and reading to someone
Cheri Riley

Sep 23, 2015

Thanks for telling me about daily 5

Sep 28, 2015

Thank you for the information on the new reading program.

Sep 28, 2015

Thank you for the letter. I appreciate hearing about my childs daily work and goals. Aiden says his goal is to expand his vocabulary. Sounds like a great program. Danielle - P.S. sorry I tried to submit this last week but it must not have went through. Aiden is not happy that it is late :)
Kathleen Phillips

Sep 28, 2015

Ok, I think this would be a great program! Annabell and her class mates seem to enjoy it very much. She explained it to me very well.