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"Here's to you, Mrs. Nielsen..."

Memories from your "C-G Bears family"

February 04, 2018


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Do you happen to have any favorite memories or stories of Mrs. Nielsen that you would like to share?  She was a wonderful teacher here at C-G School for many years and loved being around kids of all ages.  Mrs. Nielsen passed away unexpectedly at her home on Friday, February 2nd.  Sometimes it helps to say good-bye to someone special by sharing fun memories together.  Maybe we could share this page with her family, so they could read how very LOVED she was here at school. We will most certainly miss you, Mrs. Nielsen.  You were "one of a kind".  

"Here's to you, Mrs. Nielsen..."

Kailey Klema

Oct 22, 2018

When she was my substitute teacher, I was asking her if my dad was a good kid in school because she was his 6th grade teacher and she would start telling my all kinds of funny story about my dad and his brothers and sisters and we would just start laughing she said my dad and his brothers were trouble makers but my aunts were good.

Oct 22, 2018

You were so nice,cool,funny,sweet,fun, and so much more. I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A BLAST WHERE YOU ARE.