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Helloooooooo SUMMER!


June 13, 2018


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Hi kids!  I was just thinking about you and wondering how your summer is going?  If you get a chance, add a note on this BLOG to let me know what you are up to.  I'd love to hear from you.  Are you reading any good books?  Are you signed up for summer rec? Kloster?  Summer camps?  Family trips?  Do you miss school?  (Haha!) Oh, and have you received any mail from your Iditarod musher?  (I heard that Alex, Aliyah, and Skylar all did!) 

Add your comments here, and then read what "stuff" your classmates have been up to.  Thanks again, for a FABULOUS year.  I hope to see you at the pool (when it gets fixed) and Kloster Park.

Mrs. Bagaason


Helloooooooo SUMMER!

Abby Sauer

Sep 06, 2018

This summer was alright, I guess. We did not go on any trips, but we went to Grand Forks to go shopping. Mostly I went swimming, then I got a allergic reaction to the water, that was no fun. I went to my friends' house a lot, but when I was jumping on their trampoline, somebody pulled me. When somebody was on my foot, I got a hairline fracture on my baby toe!!! I could not walk on that foot for weeks!!! I went to the State Fair, that was fun!!!! I got a Henna Tattoo, but when it was wet my brother, Clay , touched it and it got messed up, but we got it fixed, so thank the Lord. That is how my summer went.